My Christmas Jumpers ||blogmas 2017
It seems to be kinda a tradition for a lot of people to get a new Christmas Jumper every single year. I just started three years ago buying a buying them for myself. Why? No Idea.. just never thought of it I guess. But When I started getting into reading bloggers and watching YouTubers and saw them with all their pretty Jumpers I thought, hey! Why did I never do that? So I started doing it!m I actually also started doing it for Bella (my Dog), but this post isnt about her Christmas Jumpers, you can see that one here.
Well so I have three Christmas Jumpers by now and I thought why not share them with you? I mean if youre just half as nosy as I am youll be interested to know what they look like and where I got them from.
Thank you so much for reading this little post, I hope you enjoyed it! If you want to keep on track with my Posts you can follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter or Instagram.
Merry Christmas, only 5 days to go!!
xx Aria

Well so I have three Christmas Jumpers by now and I thought why not share them with you? I mean if youre just half as nosy as I am youll be interested to know what they look like and where I got them from.
Wow 2015 feels aaaages ago.. the first one is by far the most tacky Christmas Jumper. I got it from a Shop calles New Yorker in Germany for not that much (about 15 Euro maybe? Cant reeally remember). But I still like wearing it, its really cosy, soft and always an eyecatcher!
Okay onto the second Year (2016) where I went a bit less out there and chose a nice PullandBear
Winter Number with a cute Polar Bear on it! Im actually even wearing
this after Christmas, because its not too Christmassy so it can go as a
simple Winter Themed Jumper, too. This one is also definitely way easier
to wear than the last one.
Well, this years one must be my fave one! Its by faaaar the most
Christmassy one and probs also the coolest.. I mean it lights up!! Its
from Primark this Season and i just fell straight in loove with it as i saw the pompoms, the Tree and everything I mean just look at it!Thank you so much for reading this little post, I hope you enjoyed it! If you want to keep on track with my Posts you can follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter or Instagram.
Merry Christmas, only 5 days to go!!
xx Aria

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