I went to the Cinema, quite a few times this year ||blogmas 2017
I loooove going to the Cinema, just everything about it makes me feel super happy and calm inside. The smell of freshly made Popcorn everywhere, the big screen right in front of you and the fact that it doesn't matter in what situation you've been or what day you've had before, you're diving into a complete different universe and well isn't it just magical. And as I collect every, and I mean literally every single, Cinema Card of the Films I went to this year, I thought I'd share with you to what I went and what I thought of the Films, what I can remember of the experience and if I'd watch it again now. There must be a disclaimer here though, I'm not the beeest at describing movies but I'll give it my very best shot. And, no idea why but I haven't been in as many Films as I wanted to be this year, it'll definitely be a thing to change for next year!
So here we go then.
Moana (release date 22. December 2016/watched it on 04. January 2017)
Well I can't really say much more about this Film then if you haven't seen it yet you missed out. I think it's one of those you either love it or hate it things like Marmite or Brussels Sprouts. I really like Moana, its a v pretty and cute Disney Film with a Girl Hero (finally its not about finding love but doing what your heart wants). I don't even want to say anything more than I think if you haven't watched it yet, you should. Just so you know if you'd like it or not (the music is worth it).
Passengers (release date 5. January 2017/watched it on 20. January 2017)
Amazing! Simply Amazing! Lets first talk about the Actors, I absolutely loooove Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. They're great actors on their own already and then together? POOW!! This Film is set in the future, in a big spaceship where thousands of passengers are in Hypersleep to get back to Earth after so-and-so many years to live a different Life then. But some things are going wrong on the way there.. (You'll have to watch it to find out what..) I really love it and its definitely on my “to buy for my DvD Collection” List (Yes that really physically exists).
La La Land (release date 12.January 2017/watched it on 02. February 2017)
The Title says it, it's more of a Musical than a Film and that's totally my kinda thing! It's a really pretty story about an actress and a Jazz-Musician who fall in love and well, the film kinda tells their life so I won't give anything more away but let me just say, it's worth watching! Even if you don't like it after watching it once, I think it's a film like Grease, Dirty Dancing or Les Miserables. You should've watched it at least once in your life.
Beauty and the Beast (release date 16. March 2017/watched it on 20. March 2017)
I'm such a sucker for Disney! And Beauty and the Beast is one of my faave Disney Films evaaa! (It's not my only fave, cause there are about three films from Disney I totally would call my fave..)
I must say normally I'm a bit sceptic about Live Action Versions of the good old Cartoon Disney Films but they totally nailed it here! They even took over most of the original songs and barely changed the story!! I'm totally in love with it and wanted to watch it again right after I went out of the Cinema watching it for the first time.
A Monster Calls (release date 04. May 2017/ watched it on 20. May 2017)
This was one of those Films where I wanted to read the Book for aaages, but just didn't came to it and then the Film came out. The Trailer looked so amazing that I just had to watch it! And yes, I am one of those people who actually likes watching trailers, if they don't give away too much. It's a story about a little boy who get's visited by a giant Tree Monster every night at seven Minutes after Midnight. His Mum got Cancer and He's really struggling to let her go, its just amazing how this Film picks up on the mental problems you get when you feel alone and can't handle with lost. Sad, really sad (I cried lots of times) but at the same time amazingly made!!
I must say normally I'm a bit sceptic about Live Action Versions of the good old Cartoon Disney Films but they totally nailed it here! They even took over most of the original songs and barely changed the story!! I'm totally in love with it and wanted to watch it again right after I went out of the Cinema watching it for the first time.
A Monster Calls (release date 04. May 2017/ watched it on 20. May 2017)
This was one of those Films where I wanted to read the Book for aaages, but just didn't came to it and then the Film came out. The Trailer looked so amazing that I just had to watch it! And yes, I am one of those people who actually likes watching trailers, if they don't give away too much. It's a story about a little boy who get's visited by a giant Tree Monster every night at seven Minutes after Midnight. His Mum got Cancer and He's really struggling to let her go, its just amazing how this Film picks up on the mental problems you get when you feel alone and can't handle with lost. Sad, really sad (I cried lots of times) but at the same time amazingly made!!
Ostwind (German Film, English Title Windstorm, release date 27. July 2017/ watched it on 10. September 2017)
This ones a German Horse Film. It's the third part already and I like it a lot but I think you won't enjoy it if you don't really like Horses. It's about a girl who wants to find out where her Horse is coming from, which sounds totally boring when I'm writing it down now but it's actually not at all! So if you like to watch a more teeny horse Film its totally the one for you (must say though, me and my Mom liked it too and we aren't teens..)
The Mountain between us (release date 07. December 2017/watched it on 13. December 2017)
The latest Film I watched and I think definitely one of the best this Year! A Journalist and a Doctor who strand on a Mountain together after a terrible plain crash need to tackle the elements together to survive as no one knows where they are. It's such a breathtaking story where you should definitely wrap up in a cosy blanket and get on some cosy socks though to keep warm as I froze my toes off just by watching them. I'd give it a ten out of ten! And have I mentioned yet that the two main Roles are played by Kate Winslet and Idris Elba? Isn't that amazing!!
Hope you enjoyed this quite big brabbel of Films, which was your fave Film you watched in the Cinema this year and do you collect your Tickets too or is it just me?
If you liked it you can follow me on Bloglovin, Instagram or Twitter where ill always post when I upload a post!
xx Aria

What Im wearing
Jumper - PullandBear
Jeans - PullandBear
Belt - PullandBear
Baker Boy Hat - Topshop
Coat - H&M
Shoes - Timberlands
If you liked it you can follow me on Bloglovin, Instagram or Twitter where ill always post when I upload a post!
xx Aria

What Im wearing
Jumper - PullandBear
Jeans - PullandBear
Belt - PullandBear
Baker Boy Hat - Topshop
Coat - H&M
Shoes - Timberlands
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