Cheeky little Primark Spree ||blogmas 2017
I may or may not have a slight problem with holding myself back when it comes to Shopping. And as I'm generally on a Budget I really like Primark! Especially this time of the year as you get amaaazing Christmas Stuff there! Well, I went with my Mom last Month and I thought you might be as nosy as me and want to know what I got so Here we go!!
I first went straight into the Pyjama Section as I desperately want another cosy Disney PJ for Winter. And I found one, well actually I found many but as I'm on a Budget I can't just buy EVERYTHING.. (I wish I could..) I chose this super cosy The Lion King Set out of a long sleeve Top and some long PJ bottoms.
After that I found the Socks and well, I just looooove crazy Socks!! I mean look at them! Grinch and Beauty-and-the-Beast Socks? Hell yeah!! I also picked up some frilly white socks and ones with cute Patches on them. Oh and a mustard coloured Bobble Hat! Bobble Hats are pretty much the only kind of Hat that suits me. I also found some suuper cheap Pins from MTV which I think will look super cool on my Backpack or Denim Jacket!
The actual reason why I was in there though was to find a decent cringy Christmas Jumper, and I was successful! Just look at this beauty, aand it LIGHTS UP! Simply great!!!
That's everything I got in Primark, hope you feel all inspired and christmassy now.
Merry Christmas!!
xx Aria

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