the sky is everywhere by jandy nelson

spoiler alert. It has that dramatic swoon factor.

I can't actually remember when or why I picked this book up. But I realized the other day that I have no idea what it's actually about except that there's a girl in it who writes poems because they are hand-scribbled on a lot of pages. I think I picked it up after I read I'll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson and as I really loved his writing style I wanted to check out this book, too. Well, it fulfilled my expectations and I like it just as much reading it for the second (or third? Forth? I have no idea.) time now.

So the story is about Lennie, who is really struggling with the loss of her bigger sister Bailey (not a spoiler, happens literally in the first couple of pages) and doesn't really know where her place in this world is. She just always saw herself as one of those companion ponies you keep with race horses so that they don't get lonely. But suddenly she finds herself struggling to balance two boys at once which she thought would never ever be a possibility for her. She also leaves little notes, poems, written down conversations and thoughts everywhere in town, on the soles of her shoes, on random benches or anywhere she can find a place to write something down.


Story                                    4/5★

Characters                           4/5★

Couldnt put it down             5/5★

Goodreads rating                 5/5★

Okay so as I mentioned, this was a reread as I could barely remember anything about it. And I didn't thought I would still love it that much. Now, let me tell you. I am quite an emotional person. And when I say quite I mean a LOT. I also love it than Lennie is a clarinet player and that she's suppressing her emotions through her poems that she scatters everywhere, and I mean really everywhere, in town. So I don't think I need to mention that I cried more than one time whilst reading this book but let me tell you, they were not just sad tears. The thing I didn't like, or more that I thought was a bit unnecessary was one relationship Lennie had with one of the boys, I personally think it just caused more drama but at the same time it kinda helped with the story to evolve so maybe it was necessary after all. I love how much you get to know not only Lennie, her Sister and the Boys she falls in love with but also her Gram, her uncle Big and the mystery of where her Mother went and if shell ever come back. Even though I, thankfully, never lost a sibling or a person who I was that close to in my life, I could relate a lot to Lennie and how lost she felt. Don't we all feel like we are companion ponies from time to time and need to realize that really we are all race horses? I love that metaphor.

I'd recommend this book to everyone who loves a YA, a bit of romance or just a really lovely touching story. What are you reading right now? tell me down in the comments!

thank you lots for reading

xx Aria
