New Year, old me
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Or is it already too late to say that? Tbh, I've been never a New Years Eve kinda girl, Christmas was always way more my thing. But I like the idea of a fresh new start even when it terrifies me to think that I'm one year older again and will never be able to get that year back (I sound like an old lady..) I mean ill get 20 this year, which for some of you might seem like not that old but for me, it's a milestone! I've officially lived for almost two decades which feels like a half century.. okaay I'm totally being overdramatic, i know.
I guess for the most, New Years Eve is a time to party, to celebrate what was or what's coming. For some it's the occasion to dress up fancy, come together with the besties and get drunk. Or you eat until youre not able to move for another week, oh wait that's Christmas..
Anyway. I guess for most, NYE is a time for being hardcore social and a super party animal. I've never really been either of those things. I always used to spend it with my family, I think even every single year until now. I decided that I'm going to spend it on my own as, well all of my family went somewhere and I didn't really want to third-wheel anyone, but I really liked the idea of doing whatever I want on NYE anyway! Which might sound a bit sad for some of you, but when you think of it it's the best start to a new year you could have! I made myself virgin mojitos and there were no annoying question as why you don't drink and that you're boring, and you're not being the one that needs something special because you're not drinking. I'm just doing it my own way! I can watch films all night long, which is my favourite way to spend the evening anyway, I especially bought the Film "New Years Eve" to watch as I haven't seen it yet but the trailer looked pretty good and what better time to watch it then on NYE self? (Btw it was the perfect Film to watch on NYE, 100% reccommend!), and I also watched The Game Plan and High School Musical 2! That's just the very best way to spend the evening.
What have you done on New Years Eve, did you went out partying, spend the day with you fam or even did something like me? Tell me, I'm interested to know!

People make Resolutions. Every Day, every Month and especially on New Years Eve. I wasn't sure if I should do some New Years Resolutions this year, as I think most people will stick to them for about a month (if even) and then fall back into their old patterns and habits again, which I'm no exception. I once read somewhere that you should only do three, so that they're easier to fur fill than if you have a whole list of them. Yeeeh, I didn't stick to that either. I'm just too much of a list maker to do it like that!
I made a little list of Resolutions I would like to achieve, which are actually achievable!
One of them is to get rid of my Braces, which I don't really have any control on but it should, hopefully, happen this year. Another one is to have a rad day but, you'll need a bit of an explanation for this one. A little while ago I had an app where I always tracked how my day was. I could choose between rad, good, meh, bad and horrible. After a while then It caught my eye that Ive had lots of meh days, some good ones and even some horrible ones but not one single rad one, and I want to have rad days! So I made it one of my New Years Resolutions.
I won't share every single Resolution I wrote down with you today, but let me know if you'd like to see an extra blog post all about Resolutions and what I think of them, not only the New Year ones, but also the every-month-resolutions or every-day-resolutions. (Okay, I now wrote that word way too many times, reeesolutions)
Anyway, tell me about whats been your New Years Resolutions, have you already achieved some of them? And if you had to choose three of them, which ones would it be?
Have an amazing new Year and don't pressure yourself too much in changing things, baby steps are just as good!
xx Aria
I guess for the most, New Years Eve is a time to party, to celebrate what was or what's coming. For some it's the occasion to dress up fancy, come together with the besties and get drunk. Or you eat until youre not able to move for another week, oh wait that's Christmas..
Anyway. I guess for most, NYE is a time for being hardcore social and a super party animal. I've never really been either of those things. I always used to spend it with my family, I think even every single year until now. I decided that I'm going to spend it on my own as, well all of my family went somewhere and I didn't really want to third-wheel anyone, but I really liked the idea of doing whatever I want on NYE anyway! Which might sound a bit sad for some of you, but when you think of it it's the best start to a new year you could have! I made myself virgin mojitos and there were no annoying question as why you don't drink and that you're boring, and you're not being the one that needs something special because you're not drinking. I'm just doing it my own way! I can watch films all night long, which is my favourite way to spend the evening anyway, I especially bought the Film "New Years Eve" to watch as I haven't seen it yet but the trailer looked pretty good and what better time to watch it then on NYE self? (Btw it was the perfect Film to watch on NYE, 100% reccommend!), and I also watched The Game Plan and High School Musical 2! That's just the very best way to spend the evening.
What have you done on New Years Eve, did you went out partying, spend the day with you fam or even did something like me? Tell me, I'm interested to know!

People make Resolutions. Every Day, every Month and especially on New Years Eve. I wasn't sure if I should do some New Years Resolutions this year, as I think most people will stick to them for about a month (if even) and then fall back into their old patterns and habits again, which I'm no exception. I once read somewhere that you should only do three, so that they're easier to fur fill than if you have a whole list of them. Yeeeh, I didn't stick to that either. I'm just too much of a list maker to do it like that!
I made a little list of Resolutions I would like to achieve, which are actually achievable!
One of them is to get rid of my Braces, which I don't really have any control on but it should, hopefully, happen this year. Another one is to have a rad day but, you'll need a bit of an explanation for this one. A little while ago I had an app where I always tracked how my day was. I could choose between rad, good, meh, bad and horrible. After a while then It caught my eye that Ive had lots of meh days, some good ones and even some horrible ones but not one single rad one, and I want to have rad days! So I made it one of my New Years Resolutions.
I won't share every single Resolution I wrote down with you today, but let me know if you'd like to see an extra blog post all about Resolutions and what I think of them, not only the New Year ones, but also the every-month-resolutions or every-day-resolutions. (Okay, I now wrote that word way too many times, reeesolutions)
Anyway, tell me about whats been your New Years Resolutions, have you already achieved some of them? And if you had to choose three of them, which ones would it be?
Have an amazing new Year and don't pressure yourself too much in changing things, baby steps are just as good!
xx Aria
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