Who runs the World?
CONGRATS BABES!! It was international Women's day!
It's the time to celebrate what we are and how we tackle life every single day.But what really defines us as women except for the boob vag-g part?
When I think women they're instantly words popping into my head like strength, courage, equality, individuality, braveness and FUN! Now, I'll have to say that I'm not that kinda girl you should go to when you want to know something about Women's rights or how they're still girls fighting for education and equality. I hear of it, I know that its there but I can't explain it or tell you that much about it..
Why Do I still write a Post all about Women? Because I am one of them and I know so many amazing women who had a huuge impact on my life, that I just want to tell you about them. How they shaped me, supported me, encouraged me, inspired me and helped me to become who I am today.
My Mom
She is the most amazing person in the world and I love her to bits, obvs! But she's been never “just” a Mom for me, she's my never-leaving-best-friend, my therapist-in-need, my hand-to-hold-on-to and so many things more!! She helped me shape the personality i have today, is always helping me up again when I fell and always, always got an open ear for any of my problems.
My Sister
She had quite a hard time with be when I was a little girl. She was my role model for so many years, which means I followed her everywhere. Copied everything she did and wanted to do everything with her, I'm sorry Sis but I was only little and you just seemed to me like the kinda person I wanted to be. And even though she hasn't always been able to be there, she always had time for me when I wanted to talk. Helped me when I needed it and inspired me so many times to explore my creativity. I couldn't wish for a better sister, Thanks Hun!
Zoe Sugg - A Woman who isn't even aware of my existence but was still such a big influence in my life. Through her videos and Posts she encouraged me to be more me, to dress more me and act around others more like me. She made me clear, that I'm not the only one who's struggling with anxiety and mental health.
Dodie Clark - Another Influencer, although more on the musical side of my life. Through her I fell in love with the Ukulele and started playing myself. I started songwriting and being a bit more brave with my outfit and makeup choices. Thanks Dodie for being an uplift in my day, so many times!
- Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world -
xx Aria

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